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Let’s set the scene: a customer is just seconds away from completing their purchase, credit card in hand, and then—bam—a sudden roadblock. Maybe it’s an extra form field, a pop-up, or a demand to create an account. The result? They abandon their cart, and you lose a sale. 


This is a preventable mistake. Here are four key distractions that could sabotage your checkout flow—and how to eliminate them.

1. Unnecessary Form Fields

Every additional form field you include is another opportunity for the customer to hesitate, get frustrated, or abandon their cart altogether. That’s why it’s essential to keep your checkout form as streamlined as possible by only asking for the information that’s absolutely necessary to process the transaction.

For instance, if you’re selling digital products, do you really need the customer’s physical address? Do you need your customer’s date of birth so they can make a purchase? 


Some unnecessary fields to eliminate:


  • Phone Number. Unless absolutely necessary for delivery or customer support, consider whether you need this information.
  • Title (Mr./Ms./Dr.). This is often irrelevant to the transaction and can be removed without any impact on the process.
  • Date of Birth. Unless it’s required for age verification or another specific purpose, asking for a customer’s birthdate can seem intrusive and unnecessary. If you want it for a loyalty program, ask for it in your email flow after checkout. 


The impact


Research has shown that each additional form field can reduce the completion rate of the checkout process. 

For example, a study by Baymard Institute found that the average cart abandonment rate is 69.57%, often due to lengthy or complicated checkout processes. Minimizing the number of fields makes it quicker and easier for customers to complete their purchases, reducing the chances of abandonment.


2. Pop-ups and Ads


Pop-ups, banners, and ads can be highly effective for driving engagement on certain parts of your website, but they do more harm than good during checkout. Interrupting a customer ready to purchase with unrelated offers or promotions can be jarring and frustrating, often leading to cart abandonment. The checkout process should be seamless and distraction-free, allowing customers to focus solely on completing their transaction.


Some distractions to avoid:

  • Promotional pop-ups
  • Banner ads
  • Newsletter sign-up requests


The impact


Removing these distractions creates a more streamlined and focused checkout experience. PayPal, for example, found that reducing interruptions during checkout led to higher completion rates. Customers are more likely to complete their purchases when they aren’t bombarded with additional offers or requests that disrupt the checkout process.


3. Forced Account Creation


One of the most common sources of friction in the checkout process is requiring customers to create an account before purchasing. While having customers create accounts can benefit businesses—allowing for easier order tracking, personalized experiences, and future marketing opportunities—it can be a significant barrier for many customers, especially those new to your site or just wanting to make a quick purchase.

Forcing account creation can lead to frustration, especially if a customer is in a hurry or doesn’t want to commit to creating another online account. This friction often results in cart abandonment, as customers may decide it’s not worth the hassle and leave without completing their purchase.


Why offer guest checkout:


  • Reduces friction. Allowing customers to check out as guests eliminates the extra step of account creation, making the process quicker and more straightforward.
  • Improves user experience. Some customers prefer not to create accounts due to privacy concerns or simply to avoid receiving additional emails. Guest checkout respects their preferences, making them more likely to complete the purchase.
  • Increases conversion rates. Offering a guest checkout option is likely to increase conversion rates, as customers are less likely to abandon their cart when they can easily complete their purchase without the added step of creating an account.




Research consistently shows that eliminating forced account creation in a checkout flow can significantly improve key e-commerce metrics, including conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and overall sales.


Baymard Institute found that 24% of online shoppers abandon their carts because they are required to create an account. Retailers can reduce cart abandonment and increase conversions by allowing users to check out as guests. This is particularly important for first-time customers who may not want to commit to an account before experiencing the brand.


4. Multiple CTAs

The checkout process is a critical point in the customer journey, and having too many calls-to-action (CTAs) can create confusion and distraction, ultimately leading to cart abandonment. When customers are presented with multiple options, such as “Continue Shopping,” “Apply Discount Code,” or “Sign Up for Updates,” it can divert their attention away from completing the purchase. This is why it’s crucial to use a single, clear CTA at each step of the checkout process to guide the customer smoothly toward the final purchase.


Why simplify your CTAs:


  • Reduces confusion. A single, focused CTA reduces the customer’s cognitive load, making it clear what their next step should be. Customers are more likely to follow through without hesitation when there’s only one action to take.
  • Increases conversion rates. Streamlining CTAs helps maintain the momentum of the checkout process, leading customers directly to the final step. This clear path to purchase can result in higher conversion rates, as customers are less likely to get sidetracked or second-guess their decision.
  • Enhances user experience. A well-designed checkout page with a clear and consistent CTA creates a seamless experience that guides the customer through the process without unnecessary detours.




Research shows that simplifying the checkout process, including using a single, prominent CTA, can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates. Customers are more likely to complete their purchase when they are not overwhelmed by multiple options.


By eliminating these common distractions, you can create a quick, simple, and effective checkout flow—helping you close more sales and reduce abandoned carts. It’s all about keeping the focus where it belongs: on completing the purchase.


Optimize Checkout with a Simple, Seamless, and Secure Way to Pay


DyScan is the market-leading credit card scanner that works on all credit cards. Companies that implement DyScan see a 4% to 21% boost in conversions and a 95% reduction in checkout time.


Integrating Dyscan into your checkout process takes less than an hour. Get a demo to learn how you can scan 100% of cards, add to your conversions, and delight your customers.